
Humanity is our heart and soul.

Any Mission Future must ask what men and women need to be happy.

It must be searched and designed deep in the hearts of the people.

Grasp their human dignity, feelings and dreams as well as their necessities of life.

The center of a better politics is a living humanity.

Humanity is our global heart and soul.


We are now 8.2 billion very different people. 
All share the same DNA.
We are one race, the homo sapiens.

Imagine reducing the world’s population of 8.2 billion people to a village of only 100: 61 Asians, 15 Africans, 13 Americans (North and South America) and 11 Europeans would live there. There would be 52 women and 48 men. 80 of them would be coloured and only 20 white. There would be 34 Christians, 23 Muslims, 13 Hindus, 7 Buddhists, 11 representatives of other minor religions – only 0.2 percent of them Jews – as well as 10 non-religious and 2 atheists. This would not be a homogeneous village, but a global village of diversity. 

We, the people, are quite different, even in our own group.
Have our own ideas and wishes of happiness.
Produce our very private and individual dreams, feelings, desires. 
Can do one thing better than another or someone else.
Someday we want this, another day something else.
We are quite diverse inside and outside.

God’s DNA is diversity. 
This is the code and motor of life on earth.

We are a world of billionfold diversity.

A homogenized political design of the ideal people kills this genetic individuality. 
Totalitarian ideas rape people in their essence. 
They kill human dignity.
Turn the people into subordinates and puppets of the powerful.
A man-made ideology of a homogeneous super man and super woman is pure madness.

The code of diversity demands respect for us and the other. 

To flourish, we all need our own space of freedom.
Only this can produce peace and happiness for each of us.

Diversity can only develop on the blooming meadows of millions of freedom flowers.

Each human being needs FREEDOM. 

Freedom is the gold standard of politics and living humanity.

Core to our Mission Future.

The Dictator in Us – Ideology is Poison

The human being is not built perfectly.

The evil in our human DNA tends to overestimate itself, selfishness, arrogance, know-it-all, paternalism, ultimately dictatorial orders and restrictions.

That is the totalitarian dictator element in all of us. It is a recurring totalitarian demon. A narrowed self-overestimation. Mainly affecting the intellectuals, who develop their perfect world-order of different ideologies.

Well-meant, but in reality, the opposite of well done since hundreds of years.
Drunk with pride and unable to criticize when it doesn’t work. At the end a dictatorship, like George Orwell wrote in his famous novels “Animal Farm” and “1984”.

Even modern, fear-driven individuals are susceptible to conspiracy theories and ideologies of all kinds. These are reinforced by protagonists who recognise the potential of social networks and their algorithms.

People often do not evaluate political rationality with their minds, but instead with a lot of emotion from their heart rapidly confronting them with a false alternative between good or evil. There is no longer truth or falsehood, but rather a creed frequently fortified by moral pathos plus hatred of the non-believers. It is a kind of moralising dictatorship attempting to dominate citizens` attitudes.

This is often linked to a sense of entitlement and prohibition: some want to arrange other people’s according to their own personal standards. The vegan
does not want another person to eat meat. The next person does not want Muslims, migrants or coloured people in its country. The third does not like
cars in the city. The fourth wants to carry his weapons openly.

Human nature too often reveals a broad spectrum developing from gentle recommendations to brutal dictatorial prohibition and command. But this leads to a restriction of freedom setting free totalitarian poison. This attitude endangers diversity, plurality of opinions and thus the foundation of democracy.

There is no good ideology, no good dictator.
It is a trap; you realize after it is too late.

Ideological blinkers and all prisons of thought restrict the scope for freedom and become an end in themselves for political self-indulgence.

Ultimately, they create monopolies of power inviting the abuse of power.

In addition, other thinkers and minorities are regarded as enemies of the state and often eliminated.

The inevitable result is a dictatorship of a few functionaries over all others. Instead of a sugary paradise, hell on earth prevails.

In doing so, they forget one eternal rule of nature:
The human diversity needs a maximum of freedom and respect, we call human dignity.

Just as there is no one type of person, there is no one ideal political person. Many paths lead to happiness.

The opposite to the dictate of the state for the alleged state-happiness of its citizens as pure servant of a dominating ideology.

Those preaching prejudice, hatred and envy against other groups are attacking diversity and launching an attack on individuality and freedom.

Consequently, a general rejection of all nationalist, racist, authoritarian and totalitarian ideologies is imperative. These ideologies strangle freedoms.
Politics 4.0 must curb all totalitarian seducers.

Our Mission Future must contain the perversion of ideologies of any kind to safe humanity. Promoting freedom and tolerance.

Freedom is our Oxygen

8.2 billion people are looking for freedom.

Freedom is our political air to breathe, our oxygen for the individual pursuit of our personal happiness and our self-realization.

Without instructions of the state or prohibitions of thinking.

Free means: being able to be myself without state and without punishment.

Without freedom, we citizens are merely the objects of governments and their unfortunately mostly bourgeois official nomenclature.

What good is a state that does not respect and promote dignity, freedom and the human pursuit of happiness?

Only when we are free from the dictates of the state can we be happy.

As postulated in the American Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

In 1948, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights confirmed in its preamble:

“The recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human community is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”.

These enlightened and liberal foundations place the human being with its rights and aspirations for individual happiness above the state.

The individual is a free citizen of the world, not an object.
The state is his servant.

Without freedom there is no protection of individuality and diversity, but also no progress. Because only free thinking is capable of creating something really new, a better future for all.

A good Mission Future needs freedom to think and act.

Fight for Freedom

Freedom is not cost-free and comes at a price.

You have to fight for it.

Against the manifold presumption of the powerful.
One must defend freedom.
Or one loses it.

A Golden Heart of Humanity Needed

We need a policy of empathy, not ideology.
A golden heart of humanity.

With empathy for the feelings and wishes of all citizens and no dictates from above.

A genuine people’s democracy with a heart, where no one is excluded, hostile or oppressed.

A servant state with an effective mind, in which everyone can live freely, well and happily.

We all want to live happily, but everyone differently while preserving diversity.

Mission Future with Heart and Mind

People, with their strengths and weaknesses, their needs and dreams, must be at the centre of our Mission Future.

Every person is a minority at some point needing respect and protection. The individuals` human dignity is inviolable. Whether poor or rich, European or African, Christian or Muslim. We all need freedom and tolerance.

Without the value-oriented foundation of human rights, including freedom and diversity, the world would be built on quicksand and we would all just be objects like grains of sand in the hands of the rulers.

Without humanity, all politics is worthless.

The state turns into a shell without a core, an instrument of power for the ruling class.

People must be able to breathe freely and develop.

Consequently, all power comes from the people – from bottom to top. It is the citizens that constitute the state. Politics must serve the citizens.

Today these insights are melting away in the political debate. Totalitarian ideologies of redemption and populist models of rule are putting democratic pluralism under pressure.

Many politicians firmly believe they know better than their constituents. All they have to do is educate them and make them better people. Of course, this is not entirely wrong, because learning helps people understand and act correctly. But the natural limits must be observed here. There must be no educational dictatorship. No paternalism. Moreover, history has shown time and again that the state does not know and cannot do everything better than its citizens. Where the state ruled at most, shortages dominated. That is a fact.

With a “You must not!” forefinger, too many politicians want to restrict our freedoms to a certain extent thereby attacking the core of individual autonomy.

Every person is different, wants and needs something different, and must therefore enjoy maximum freedom in order to be satisfied and happy. The state must grant personal freedom. Otherwise, citizens will gradually become unhappy objects and an open democracy from below will turn into a sentimental dictatorship from above.

The essence of power is ruling and expanding its scope. That is an eternal natural law.

The democratic state, too, tends to interfere in the remaining freedoms of the citizens. It squeezes more money out of their pockets. It patronises them.

But this contradicts the idea of freedom and the search for personal happiness. Freedom always means as little state intervention as possible.

Less state – more room for private activities and enterprises. This is a rejection of state monopoly ideologies, nationalistic and authoritarian models.

The democratic state must limit itself and respect the rights of citizens to their privacy. A curtailment of state intervention to what is necessary and proportionate. Restrictions of freedom of any kind, including expropriation, are only permissible in the most extreme cases. Governments must leave citizens maximum freedom and leeway for development allowing them to live independently and happily.

This also applies to social minorities of all kinds. Creation has formed us all differently. As individuals we have often developed differently according to cultural, religious or social traditions. All groups be respected in their inalienable rights and their pursuit of happiness.

We must also care for the weak and the poor.

Cold-hearted capitalism or nationalism contradicts this commandment of charity.

Dissidents are too often considered enemies to be opposed with all means, because the good cause supposedly justifies their oppression. We should unite with open policies, not polarise further. We need internal democracy and respect for other opinions.

We have to strengthen dialogue, the mother language of mankind. Because it helps us to forge enemies into opponents and opponents into new friends.

Plurality of opinion is another core of better policy. In this respect, any good political movement must be a new people’s party incorporating many ideas and wishes. No totalitarian ideologies that lure with paradise on earth. A de-ideologised pragmatic approach. But realpolitik with the strong inclusion of human rights and freedom is needed.

The various radicals in our democracies are destroying the core of the foundations of enlightenment, freedom and individual happiness.

We are slowly being warmed up like a frog in a cooking pot, losing our freedom. Only we do not feel it as painfully as in dictatorships, because the process is slow. There is a threat of a political mini dictators striving to im- pose their will on us, thus strangling freedom and happiness. Human dignity is at risk.

New policy must renovate and activate the foundations of human dignity, freedom and happiness.

Democracies are only strong if they are healthy.

What does that mean?

Politicians must understand the needs of citizens, take them seriously and, from their point of view, deliver results quickly.

Good politics needs both holy fire and a good soul.

Future policy must focus on human dignity and the basic global consensus of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Now we must also grow together as individuals and respect the differences.

Humanity is based on the two equal pillars:
Freedom and Humanity.
Without both there is no humanity.

See more in Freedom and Tolerance.