Democracy Action Manual
How can we save our democracies, as fragile as the Acropolis? Under attack by: Various totalitarians, inside and outside. Ideologues and radicals of all kinds. Populists on the right and on the left, who promise paradise. But as well paralyzed by sleepy politicians, who do not solve urgent problems. Talk. Not act. Producing disappointed non- and protest-voters. We present the best solution: A Mission Future with heart and mind. Based on humanity, creativity plus effectiveness. Combining digitization with wisdom thereby revitalizing our democracies.

How can we save our democracies, as fragile as the Acropolis? Under attack by: Various totalitarians, inside and outside. Ideologues and radicals of all kinds. Populists on the right and on the left, who promise paradise. But as well paralyzed by sleepy politicians, who do not solve  urgent problems. Talk. Not act. Producing disappointed non- and protest-voters. We present the best solution: A Mission Future with heart and mind. Based on humanity, creativity plus effectiveness. Combining digitization with wisdom thereby revitalizing our democracies.


1. Challenges

2. Facts & Numbers

3. Best Practices


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Populists govern around 25 percent of all nations.
12 out of 19 countries with 92 percent of the population and 90 percent of GDP across Latin America by left-wing governments.
populist presidents and prime ministers from 1990 to 2020 globally.

35,2 percent (EU elections, in Germany 2024), 33 percent (U.S. presidential elections 2020), and 23,4 percent (Germany 2021) of the electorate 

did not vote.

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For decades, this Scandinavian country has been enjoying a reputation for its openness, the happiness of its people as well as its liberal way of life. A free life while accepting and respecting other opinions and life styles – as symbolized by the by moderate Queen Margrethe II since 1972.

The problems with criminal migrants changed everything. The welfare state was threatened by too much immigration. Ghettos with above-average crime rates and youth gangs emerged in the cities. An initially positive mood toward migrants collapsed.

In the elections November 1, 2022, the Social Democrats achieved their best result in the last 20 years (27,54 percent). Venstre, the leading liberal-conservative party in power, lost 40 percent of the seats (13,3 percent).

For the first time, the right-wing populist party Denmark Democrat entered   parliament, gaining merely 8,12 percent. In comparison, the German anti-migration populist “Allianz für Deutschland” obtained 10,3 percent in 2021 and as much as 22 percent in polls in 2023, after more and more migrants kept entering Germany.

Why did the center-left win in Denmark?

The Danish Social Democrats' immigration policy represents a counterweight to the prevailing liberal, pro-immigration discourse of most social democratic parties in Europe. This was the base for its success.

As early as 2016, the young leader of the Danish Social Democrats and present Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, has been calling for a "realistic and fair immigration policy", that would “unite Denmark”.

In an open-minded, prudent essay published May 27, 2019 she wrote:

"For many years, immigration policy has divided the Danish population. In hardly any other policy area are the fronts so hardened. Arguments turn into attacks. Isn't that understandable?

After all, immigration policy plays a central role in determining what kind of country we want to be. Deep-seated emotions are at play.

And more and more people are just experiencing for themselves what happens when integration fails.

But at the end of the day, we Social Democrats don't believe that people in Denmark are as divided on the issue as one might think. We want to help refugees. That is our duty as a compassionate country.

At the same time, however, we believe that there are limits to the number of immigrants that can be integrated into our country.

It is also important to better integrate immigrants.

But why then do we have such a hard time with the issue?

Perhaps we Danes have been too quick to judge each other.

At the same time, you are not yet a bad person just because you don't want your own country to change fundamentally. On the other hand, one is not yet naive just because one wants to help other people to have a better life. The vast majority among us want to do both - we want to help more people, and we want to take care of our own country. …..

Danish society benefits greatly from the achievements and contributions that many immigrants have made over the years. These are people who have learned Danish, who have jobs, who share our values and are now simply Danish.

Unfortunately, however, too many people have also come to Denmark without becoming a part of Denmark. The challenge we face is not a temporary one. It is here to stay.

Our welfare model is coming under pressure, as are our high levels of equality and our way of life. …..

That we faced great dilemmas and found the right balance between taking responsibility in the world and taking responsibility for Denmark.

There is no doubt that we cannot help everyone here in Europe and in Denmark.

But it is also true that the refugees must be helped.

Living conditions in the poorest parts of the world must be fundamentally improved so that people do not seek their happiness elsewhere. We cannot turn our backs on the world, nor do we want to.

That's why we need a comprehensive, long-term plan.”

The young Social Democrat suggests:

"Our concept consists of three elements:

Numbers are important. Denmark must regain control. We want to set a limit on how many non-Western immigrants can come to Denmark each year.

We want to change our asylum system and establish a reception center outside Europe.

In the future, only UN refugees will be able to receive asylum in Denmark.

We need to help more people. Right now, the most vulnerable people are left to fend for themselves - those who can't flee or who can't afford to. The people who need help the most. This is not fair. …

Our goal must be to ensure that fewer people have to flee and that more of them can build a future in their own countries instead of seeking a new life in Europe.

Denmark cannot solve this problem alone, but we can take a leadership role in doing so. By doubling our support in areas bordering conflict regions. And - as part of the EU - especially by enabling unprecedented recovery in Africa.

New fight for freedom:

Social democracy is - and always has been - a freedom project. It has empowered more and more people to shape their own lives. It has succeeded above all by creating education, a high level of employment and free access to health care for all. In this fight for freedom, we now face a new chapter: the new Danes. Gender equality must also apply to them. Rights and duties go hand in hand. Religion is always subordinate to democracy.

This requires us to look at the norms that apply in certain parts of Denmark. First and foremost, it is necessary that more people become part of the Danish community, where we all share the same basic values and meet each other on this basis in the residential districts and schools.

A ten-year plan is needed to ensure that the proportion of non-Western immigrants and their descendants does not exceed 30 percent in any residential district, school or other educational institution in the future.

In addition, more of them should contribute something to Danish society.

Therefore, we want to oblige all immigrants who receive integration and cash benefits to make a work contribution of 37 hours per week…..

We have said to ourselves from the beginning that we need to start from scratch, that we need new ways of thinking and that we should take a holistic approach. We believe we are doing that with this concept.

We believe that Denmark needs a coherent, long-term immigration policy in which the basic direction is set, and the individual elements are not subject to constant change.”

See more details in our Migration Manual.

The results of Denmark's new migration policy are clear: The Danish-German border is being controlled. Per year, only around 4,500 people apply for asylum.

What can we learn?

The Social democrats have acted and changed their policy. This was the key to stop nationalist populism - if you like it or not.

It shows the need to curb populism on the basis of solving problems in a pragmatic manner. This requires a departure from old mantras, ideological blinkers and instead pursuing creative new paths. In sum, a Mission Future not only relying on hearts and minds, but also  based on humanity, creativity and effectiveness.

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Estonia ★★★

Estonia is best practice globally as a well-developed and modern digital democracy. It is the best state in education in Europe, second in the world after Singapore, according to PISA 2022. Since 2011 the country moved up four ranks to 21st in the global Prosperity Index 2023. Estonia performs most strongly in natural environment and personal freedom. It is known for its high degree of government transparency and well-developed e-governance services. A tax-declaration online takes just seven minutes.


Denmark ★★★

Mette Frederiksen, the young leader of the Danish Social Democrats and Prime Minister of Denmark, acted with a courage U-turn and stopped the right-wing populist party in the elections November 1, 2022. Denmark Democrats entered the parliament first time, but just with 8,12 percent. Compared to Sweden (Sweden Democrats 22,5 percent in 2022) or Germany (AfD 10,3 percent in 2021; even 23 percent in polls 2023). The Social Democrats got their best result in the last 20 years (27,54 percent). After too many problems with migrants, she started in 2016 “a realistic and fair immigration policy”, that would “unite Denmark”. In the words of John M. Keynes, “‘if the facts change, opinion changes.” This was the base for her success. Sweden followed her in 2022. Germany’s SPD in 2023.

Taiwan ★★

Taiwan takes its 23 million citizens seriously, even between elections. Half use Join for petitions of the government and independent We Taiwan for creative new ideas and discussions as two democratic online platforms. Involving the people and the government, even between elections.

With transgender digital minister Audrey Tang, a former Gov Zero hacker, as the promotor of this new Deliberative Democracy. Integrating a consultative democracy, in which public consultation with citizens is central to the democratic processes.


Iceland ★★

Better Reykjavik is a great democratic platform since 2010, involving half of the population of the capital of Iceland. is used all over the world by governments, academics, independent media and citizens, and as an innovative open-source tool for consultation democracy. Connecting millions, as well in Taiwan and Estonia, to discuss hot political questions.

Germany ★

This central European country has risen from the physical and moral ruins of the World War II, split into three parts. With Ludwig Erhard’s creative Social Market Economy, Germany reconciled capital and labor in a new fruitful symbiosis.

The construction of the European Union, reconciliation with France and the UK, reparations for Israel, as well as the transatlantic partnership with the USA, were innovative masterplans and a Mission Future of the first German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. It enabled the reunification and liberation of Eastern Europe from the dictatorship of the socialist USSR starting in 1990.

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1. Start a new innovative Policy 4.0 based on the three pillars of humanity, creativity and effectiveness.

These are essential for people’s happiness and steady progress and much better politics:

  • No policy without humanity.
  • No policy without creativity. 
  • No policy without effectiveness.

This is the necessary reorientation unfolding an enormous potential for improvement.

The moral base is humanity, which includes freedom and tolerance.

The Ferrari-engine of good politics is creativity, missing today.

Without effectiveness, every policy is bound to falter. Most decisions come too late, are not well planned and effective enough.

Learn more about humanity here.

Learn more about creativity here.

Learn more about effectiveness here.

2. Courage for New Things – Courage for the Future.

Radical reforms in all areas of politics – a great renovation and push forward.

One core-problem in our democracies is the inherent lack of willingness to reform. Insisting on antiquated solutions. Fear of the new, ideological blinkers.

Today politics tends to ignore uncertainties in the future.

Quite the opposite. Power structures and thought patterns tend to preserve and defend old positions and proposals. That is the Achilles’ heel of democracies. They are far too slow in decision- making, in re-shaping. Politicians are almost always far too late. They oversleep the future of our children in a dynamic, globalised world.

A paradigm shift is therefore essential: we need to end the reflex-like blocking and open the windows to the fresh air of new ideas.

Be open-minded.

Implement the different Mission Future Actions Manuals for rapid improvements in important segments. Check out. Try it. Test it. Do it.

3. No ideologies, please. Realpolitik needed.

You cannot solve today´s problems with yesterday´s ideological mantra.

What at are the secrets of the world's most successful democracies? Necessary is a Realpolitik with hearts and minds. Based on humanity plus creativity plus effectiveness. To pivot, be open for better ideas every day. Out of the thought prison of ideologies, old beliefs and party mantras. An end to naivety, passivity, waiting and hesitation. Concrete rapid actions and radical reforms in all areas, especially where problems become visible. A policy with a focus for all the people, not only minorities, in a practical concordance. Using digital options like AI to strengthen democratic processes, in a fusion of wisdoms, insights and philanthropy. Courage for the future.

Free yourself from the too narrow thinking prison of your ideological wish list.

Don't make dream politics, but instead Realpolitik based on  hearts and minds.

The origins of most parties and their ideologies as conservative, liberal or social democratic have for decades narrowed them down to just one aspect of the broad political spectrum. Their political tunnel vision provides the breeding ground for prejudices and dogmas.

This prevents good and widely popular politics, a Realpolitik. The vast majority of voters, however, desire not only social security or freedom, but both at the same time in even-handed doses.

The parties should de-ideologise and become more open to new ideas.

Online forums and working groups should discuss new ideas with citizens and experts, like in Taiwan and Iceland. Parties could organise annual future congresses on important issues, where members and outsiders present new ideas and discuss them controversially but constructively. With online surveys on all political issues, top politicians regularly find out what their grassroots members expect from the party. This would end the rigid ritual of party conferences controlled from above. Moreover, this would revitalise an encrusted party.

We present you our Democracy Network Mission Future in Rule 24.

We should address all wishes and build a broad new political base. Issues raised by marginalised groups must not obscure the wishes of majorities. We need new, creative parties of the people.

4. Dear politicians, stop thinking your policies are great, when voters are running away from you.

The ruling class of professional politicians firmly believes that it is doing almost everything right. We just “need to explain our policies better” to the citizens, they say.

Only the voters decide in the end, not you party officials, not the party program, not the world view of the party, but of the people.

It is not just a matter of marginalizing and attacking the political opponent, but of clearing away the problems seen by the citizens with a fresh, pragmatic solution policy, like burnt cooking pots. A Realpolitik with heart and mind.

5. Rule 5 - 24

Rule 5

End superficial banality in thinking, speaking, planning and acting.

Get real, open-minded, future-oriented, quicker, pragmatic and much better.

Learn to pivot, like a successful start-up in Silicon Valley- open for the better each day. If you find a better idea, forget the last. Do not stick to old, outdates ideas. Even if you have fallen in love with them when you were a young politician.

Adopt the best global practices and forge them into your political agenda.

Promoting your credibility and voter approval.

Dear politicians, please stop:

  • Mostly just declarations of intent without bold plans and necessary actions.
  • Words instead of deeds. Waiting instead of acting.
  • Bubblegum-like administration instead of reforms.
  • Highly career-focused and power-obsessed.
  • Tactics instead of consistent and quick problem solving .
  • Most of you uttering the same ideologically influenced standard phrases – the political art of self-indulgent phraseology.
  • In the sleeper car of power, an unambitious slug mentality.
  • Wait and see instead of doing. Almost everything is much too slow and too self-righteous – but time is pressing. Many world problems must be solved now. Before it is too late for the survival of nature and enjoying our life in freedom and happiness.


Rule 6

Become Simply The Best.

Let excellence be your new hot brand and become unforgettable for your voters.

By implementing the Golden Global Champions in all areas of politics as the proven best practices from all over the world.



Rule 7

The new core objective of any policy must be people's happiness. Everything else is subordinate to it.

The parties too often lose sight of the main goal of the people: their happiness. Good politics must make as many people as possible happier, not just their spoiled interest groups. Not just any ideology should be at the centre, but the people, with all their different needs. New policies must become broad-based happiness policies for many.

Strengthen social justice?  Save the world's climate? Reduce migration or crime, and so on?

Yes, if it makes people happier.


Rule 8

Nurture and strengthen the foundation of democracy: big and small businesses, economic growth, low inflation, little unemployment, good salaries.

Without them, everything is nothing, and democracy breaks down.

As in the years 1918 to 1933 in Germany, when hyperinflation, the world economic crisis led to poverty and the failure of the Weimar Republic. This was the main reason Hitler's party won more and more votes and reached 32 percent in November 1932. Together with the Communists, the NSDAP had exactly 50 percent of the seats in the Reichstag. There was only a choice between two evils: Hitler or Stalin's German communists. Hitler became chancellor in 1933, in a coalition with some democratic parties of the center. Democracy was strangled at the ballot box. This lesson of history is forgotten.

Naively, many politicians believe that the economy practically runs itself. They burden it with high taxes and bureaucracy.  Some believe that politics must control the economy in some way.

The left still propagates a kind of socialist economy, although these models have totally failed in all 50 socialist states worldwide and always in the last 100 years and ended in poorness for the people and good living for the socialist elite only in an undemocratic dictatorship. Albert Einstein rightly warns, "You can't always do the same thing and expect different results."

The right balance between cold turbo-capitalism and deadly socialism was struck by Ludwig Erhard's Social Market Economy, invented in Germany. It reconciles capital with labor in an exemplary way. A German model of success since 1949.

Needed are fair wages and fair profits as well as the freedom for businesses to flourish.


Rule 9

Make active politics for all, the whole people. Do not focus on minority issues only. Balance your public attention.

When politics is too focused on the problems and rights of small groups rather than those of the broader population as well, it loses credibility, appeal, retention, and voters.

This is true for the media as well, who often forget to report the non-sexy problems of millions as well. They echo what the small urban elite thinks and wants, forgetting the countryside and small towns where the majority live.

This policy and awareness vacuum is feeding frustration and populisms. It is their oxygen. Too many people feel left behind. Not taken seriously with their real problems and fears by the ruling parties and the public.

This was evident in the electoral analysis of Trump vs Clinton in November 2016. The "basket of deplorables" (Hillary Clinton, September 9, 2016) in the fly-over states of the US felt their fears forgotten. By by the elites in Washington DC and the media. There, the promotion of minority rights dominated. They got quite angry and looked for a savior. In droves they ran to Donald Trump and formed MAGA.

This basic mistake should not be repeated.


Rule 10

Stop Chancel-culture - Free Speech is the fertile basis of our democracy.

The political climate is increasingly being poisoned because the loudest, most radical are pushing the level-headed and pragmatic into the background and mocking those who think differently. This trend is reinforced by the social media. Some even promote a cancel-culture as a dictatorship against free speech.

This is weakening the basis of our democracies.

Who takes into account the interests of the country’s people remaining silent? Who still dares to speak openly as a normal citizen about what he or she really thinks? The so-called “silence spiral” of Professor Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, founder of the Institute for Public Opinion Research in Allensbach, Germany, is intact. You only say what you think you can safely say. People are increasingly silent on pressing problems.

This development is poisoning the foundation of our democracies. Dialogue is being subdued. Bans on freedom of opinion, open discussion and free speech are totalitarian instruments poisoning the core of democracy and ringing the bell of bondage.

Politics also gives rise to an ideologically dominated religious war.

This is not compatible with the need for an open-ended discussion. The democratic discourse is thus derailed. Instead, we need maximum openness and respect for the convictions of others.

Open discussion and dissenting opinions are necessary.

In clear contrast to encrusted old politics, the ethos of democracy as well as the sacred fire of free debate must be cultivated with particular care.

This includes an open and honest culture of discussion. Respect for other opinions, renunciation of prejudices and hate propaganda.


Rule 11

We need more dialogue, the mother tongue of humanity. Because it helps us to turn enemies into opponents and opponents into new friends.

Dialogue not only with like-minded people in our own “communicative bubble”, but also with those voicing different political views.

No bans on thought, discussion and speech. It is worth talking to people who think differently. Dialogue strengthens our democracy and unites the people.

The prevailing opinion promotes exclusion. Ignore. Not inviting. An all-out fight against “the right” or “the left”. Dialogue, which is indispensable for humanity, is hardly ever taking place. Politicians, journalists and committed citizens are moving further and further away from the wisdom of the Enlightenment and too often prefer the dictatorship of their own opinion. This is called propaganda.

Zealotry destroys the humus of discussion, compromise and respect for the opinions of others. We do not need a new inquisition, hate propaganda or new book-burning, but more dialogue and relaxed openness in discourse. We simply need to talk to each other more and not exclude those who think differently. There is no alternative. More oxygen for democracy is needed now.

Worse still, this bunker mentality consolidates entrenched opinions. Like knights they defend their position, which can be wrong and outdated. One no longer learns but worships one’s own faith like a Holy Grail. But this is the beginning of the end, because politics is always made by people who can be wrong. Plans made yesterday may be wrong the day after tomorrow.

Politics degenerates into a bitter war of faith aiming to kill the opponent with words, later maybe by extremists even with deeds. Democracy, which has hitherto been open to opinion, thus mutates so insidiously into a creeping democracy and at some point, and somewhere even into a real bloody dictatorship, because supposedly good ends justify these means.

Often this radical approach fails and makes the populists even stronger. We have seen this in Trump America as well as in Europe.

More promising is an intensive dialogue.

For these seven reasons, bans on thought, discussion and speech or a refusal to engage in dialogue is dangerous for any democracy:


  1. The democratic discourse is poisoned. But our democracy thrives on the exchange of different opinions. This is the heart of democracy.
  2. If you want to convince or win, you have to get to know your opponent better and understand him or her.
  3. A refusal to engage in dialogue has so often in history led to exclusion, then persecution and finally to the annihilation of those who think differently. A dangerous slide from democracy to dictatorship.
  4. We have better arguments. Why not engage in the battle of intellectual debate? We always learn. Let us be open-minded and relaxed.
  5. We have the opportunity to turn enemies into opponents and opponents into friends. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Why give up this opportunity?
  6. It is less about the opponents than about their supporters and voters. We can only change their minds if we talk to them, listen to their concerns and make them feel they are being taken so seriously.
  7. You can simply turn this mechanism around, thus becoming its victim yourself. The method of refusing dialogue is dangerous because it can affect anyone.

That is why we must always listen to our political opponents and even our enemies and their supporters. We must seriously consider their arguments.

We should talk to everyone and develop and maintain the capacity for dialogue in democracy. This is a task for politicians, the media and all organisations.


Rule 12

More courage to make decisions and give up the customary refusal rituals.

Too often, politicians or civil servants refuse to absorb, discuss and understand new ideas. Unconvincing counterarguments are feverishly presented. Creative new thoughts are diluted and talked down until the status quo ante is re-established.




Rule 13

Intensive discussion and planning needed.

The first German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) once remarked:

„The less people know about how sausages and laws are made, the better they sleep.”

How is politics actually planned today?

There is hardly good initial planning followed by creative, timely and critical adjustments. There is frequently a lack of urgency. Problems are described, but options and solutions are almost never seriously developed and worked through. One can call it superficiality and sloppiness. Or ignorance. In any case it is irresponsible.


Rule 14

Speedy and perpetual reforms.

In a globalized world everything progresses at a fast pace. Consequently inflexible, vague party programs dominated by wishful thinking are outdated. What is needed are flexible procedures as well as extensive dynamic reforms with intensive and long-term planning, pragmatism, realism, creativity and speed: An all-encompassing national “Mission Future” by future-makers: Embracing, shaping and winning the future.


Rule 15

Activity reports and readjustments.

We need annual activity reports on important issues, reinforcing the ministries` commitment to coordination, clarity and truth.

This in turn would create transparency and enable democratic control.

Flexible and quick adaptation of administrative bodies to reality is crucial. This requires clarity and coordination.



Rule 16

Setting long-term priorities instead of short-lived crisis management.

Short-term crisis management no longer suffices. Instead, a long- term strategic approach is required. This is essential for good, sound policies that can make our world a better place in the long term.

Moreover, focusing on short term crises pushes important popular issues into the background, even neglecting them.

We need long-term priorities for all major issues, rather than hectic crisis management dealing with fashionable topics.


Rule 17

Establish practical concordance of citizens' wishes.

People want many and different things. They often change their opinions and priorities. They are fallible, good and evil. That is a fact.

Sound policies for the future must not be illusory policies based on the good in people, because they are bound to fail. Shaping policy with the heart is not enough.

Moreover, policy must not only focus on minority causes and neglect majority issues. All citizens are ultimately minorities in different groups. This fact requires a harmonious policy taking due account of all groups.

We also need all areas of policy to work together, not just focusing on a few topical issues.




Rule 18

More honesty and humility needed by politicians.

We humans cannot know everything. We are not made for this. The ocean of knowledge is too big and is getting bigger and bigger.

But there is the ‚superhuman ‘, the politician. Outstanding politicians are said to have miraculous powers. They know and can do everything and do it better than anyone else. A modern political fairytale for the citizens. The remnant of the divine grace of former ruling kings and subjects.

Everyone is wrong, but apparently our politicians are not. They are true supermen and superwomen, a kind of Batman or Spiderwoman. The credibility, the oxygen of our democracies suffers under this legend.

We must expose this erroneous, messiah-like belief for what it is: pure nonsense. You can get into topics well, but nobody can know everything. Humanity’s knowledge is far too great for that, and the dynamics worldwide are too fast.

It is time for our politicians to say: “I don’t know.”

The media must embrace this new honesty.

The new culture of discussion also should include the sentence: “Sorry, I was wrong, and know it better today.” When was the last time you heard this statement from a politician?


Rule 19

Better politicians and a responsibility elite.

For sound policymaking, we need many energetic men and women with character, the will to think for themselves, with a joy for redesigning, for humanity, creativity, courage and optimism. With inner musicality for the political. In addition, with knowledge and experience outside the unreal political bubble.

In a vibrant democracy the parties need to be less of a career lift. We need more criticism, bottom-up decision-making, and no old blinkers.

Do you belong to the elite if you are wealthy, noble or famous? Maybe. But indeed, elite encompasses all people possessing special abilities. The elite has special obligations toward the community in accordance with the old slogan ’noblesse oblige‘ - nobility (elite) obligates.

In other words, not resting on one’s laurels or egomaniacally squandering money for private activities but taking an active part in shaping a better future for the people.

We need a new elite assuming responsibility in every country. They are crucial for sound politics.


Rule 20

End the leader cult. Excellent teams.

The fixation of most political systems on a Great Leader capable of knowing and understanding everything with no time limit on his or her rule is frighteningly reminiscent of the naive loyalty to the king of our great grandfathers in the 19th century. This seems grotesque and dangerous.

New politics need a competent, creative and committed team, not a substitute king whom we pay homage to as subjects.

We do not need a new leader, but a strong, broadly based team of movers and shakers featuring different talents complementing each other.



Rule 21

Optimism is a Duty. Cancel doomsday.

Can we shape the future positively with doomsday thinking? Fear is the tool of all totalitarians. History clearly shows that negative thinking leads to fear, hasty actions and polarising aggressiveness. It creates tunnel vision, distracts from other important issues and demotivates citizens. Optimism is therefore a duty.

Rule 22

Institutionalise the engines of creativity.

At the heart of a successful Policy 4.0 is the rapid and comprehensive activation of creativity at all levels of policy making encompassing parties, parliaments, governments and administrations.

Permanent openness to new developments is the lifeblood of vibrant democracies. This is the only way to achieve great advances required to revitalise democracies worldwide. There can be no sound and sustainable policy without creativity. Creativity is the trump card. If it is missing, democracy fails.

We must therefore build strong engines of creativity into the political enterprise and break the traditional blockade against managing and utilizing new developments.


Rule 23

Ensure maximum freedom for a sustainable human rights policy.

Freedom and respect for human rights are paramount. Both are core elements of humanity, the cornerstone of better politics, and peace on earth.

If we want to preserve a humane world for the survival of democracies and freedom, the political oxygen to all of us, we must pursue an active and effective human rights and freedom policy both internally and externally. We tend to make a big mistake: We take freedom for granted, as if it were the air we breathe. In reality, we could gradually lose it if we do not fight for freedom every day.

Policy 4.0 must safeguard freedoms and human rights at home and promote them abroad.


Rule 24

Risk more democracy.

Install our Democracy Network Mission Future for broad discussions with your party member and the thousands of people.

Iceland and Taiwan are best practices how to better integrate the people. Using the internet to connect them with politics in a new tool of more democratic discussion and participation.

We have developed a state-of-the-art Democracy Network Mission Future - details here.

Read more!

Join our exclusive global Network Mission Future in your important topic here.

This innovative toolbox gets you on top of best practices and helps you to provide state-of-the-art and creative solutions at home without delay.


Here is our Mission Future List of excellent global partners for you to learn from and connect, to solve the problem quick, creatively, effective and with humanity:


Legatum Index 2023


Mette Frederiksen, Realistic & Fair Immigration: A Policy to Unite Denmark, 27 May 2019


Government Offices of Sweden, Sweden’s new migration policy




Better Reykjavik


European Union, Konrad Adenauer. A pragmatic democrat and tireless unifier

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